Berlin Coronale

There we go – Berlin Coronale started. In honour of this occasion a little note is dropped here aswell.

c19This cute looking little creature with many tentacles keeps us busy these days. Now first consequences appear: Berlins schools will be closed for the next five weeks – Corona holiday! 

Mass events are canceled, social life is advised against, public life increasingly is paralysed.c192
Corona vita advices: Have a healthy
diet to improve your condition, respect some „good matters“ concerning cough, sniffles, sneezing, don’t become to biophob, mark that giving this little viper that name has a similar quality as calling your tax software magpie and….

Good luck!

Super hero marvellous: In a TV video about 30 places  disappearing Berlin Tacheles made it on place one by votation(?!). This moves Berliners more than their city airports – haven´t seen that. The culture roundabout is spinning, history is made….

This is what public media bring us this days. They stay silent about the rest – the Corona expurgation?  Dear people I will have to go out NOW and investigate majestic city life and take care of the art after.

Here come some personal news by chance: * The precious collection of dresses by asha is now presented at ashaFashionArt. Assist flushing the stock!

It´s not a question if but when? So take care to enjoy and don’t retire too strictly!

Thank you being such a delicious spring of life! CU soon!



It´s the year to B52 – Time to say Hello

It´s the year to B52 and the metal rat – quite hot steel so this should work out!

Since yesterday, after a lousy weekend, we had the first nice bright day. With a touch of spring of life. ashas Wednesday just ended. It is definitely time to say HELLO!

The skipped season has been quite illustrious and busy enough not to show up here. These and that, between lovely repetitions – they exist – and such you can easily live without, even new germs sprout. For a little art you should maybe get at least a keyword list at once, but this can wait until next time also. I´ll be back soon anyway:)

Ok, the new year has been started with the natural given delay – and with a little hangover of last years future projects. After the need to travel to the tools – thanx Berlin, I call it design tourism – it brought us this inter alia:



The homemade bootleg. Since handmade seems a quite elastic term these days homemade stands for singularity and manual craft.


A hidden facial series, which therefore will stay unreleased online of course, got started and is still in process of development. A dino has been managed to be almost cured and a another universe has been assisted to become installed  – now I will have to be given the code…

I decided that being asha berlin demands design to become labeled from now on. In a brillant conformance of phasing out and getting started a sell out of what´s left of the mindful works of past decades is launched on This is also a concession to the possibility of reality of fiction: empty the stock and take off light!

Thank you for being – always appreciated! CU soon.






We Are The Dolphins

Time goes by…

The ´Bonds Of Love` were joined by a nice little revival of common street life. Then it fell into silence, other happenings absorbed lots of energy causing an ice age influence. At least we discussed the theme for the following group exhibition. This led us to something between bonds of art and chemical bonds and generated this:

art bonds    tucholsky-19Tucholsky already muscled in, we have a Podesian wall for foreign affairs, art and even life music sometimes…The whole was made a facebook event  and is running still.loxxx


LOXXX seems quite applicable;)


Hugh, before I forget: Anders Kamp – old fellow from the ACUD ensemble performing the serendipity gallery working closely together with the institute of pataphysics and united artists – announced that the documentation on will become closed and to be seen on  from next year. Have a review.

All in all tri voli has to come back into focus to warm up the season which can not be skipped.

dolphins drawing



„We are the dolphins“ is the visionary and conspiratorial message. That’s why we jump sometimes anyway.

CU soon!