Next – Full Moon – Already

Next moon already.

from dusk till dawn

November came with an almost vintage style cold wave. It just past telling good bye with a the next full moon and December started nice. Just in time the moon project appears with its next layer.

The grey shaded starter collected sepia at the trödler and only last month it helped us out for the BlueMoon already. Here we are.

From Dusk till Dawn

So this is the whole visible at any time of the night. Especially in this time of the year that means two out of three parts of the day;) The left hours shout for a next painting.
A painting isn’t done until it´s sold since it can be changed until. Would someone please assist to complete this job?!

ashasadler - blauer ReiterEspecially following is a changed painting. A face (discover the left eye) became ashasEagle. According and perseeding the history transcript started with the impressionists it´s functioning as BlueRider properly.

ms-corona-avatarThe mask becomes symbol of a basic interest: In fact the corona reglement is experimental and therefore questionable and the handling not always comprehensible exactly.  Stupidity as despotism – which obviously causes uncomfortable conditions – pop up here and there. Weren’t we exactly encouraged to learn from history and stand against such ambitons? This balance has to be taken care of as of sensible germs or raw eggs as you like…

Berlins afford to become cycling city – a call that has resonated far already – brings us more pop up stories from rideways,  construction areas and detours which polarise the car traffic. On empty streets you have the chance to drive easily in perfect harmony with the pedestrians even self- thinking. One or the other traffic light i.e. will become useless if no cars are aro
und. Of course some zealous law enforcement officers pop up for a collection at the cyclists. Please remember: The most dangerous road users are annoyed car drivers. The really nervous ones are supplied with SUVs today…Next raw egg.

Enough of that now.

Life has its pitfalls – carpe diem.

As told it´s cold outside and closure of social and public places does the rest…Some moves are done anyway and urban surround still offers little discoveries.
Inside I enjoy every rinse of the spring spending warmth and wonder if I will get a homemade panetone industrial fluffy. Hm. Since it tastes well a little less also I allow myself one more try…One can also spend time at the phone for amusement with theatre telecomunicative (tt). For my sake.

The magic touch is as corona – some have it, most do not. Thanks for reading this blog.

 Lets go on and share some magic time! CU soon!



Full Moon Duality

November already…

An extra large full moon is announced today – just by accident an extra large full moon has been all I created this month yet – supposed to be the pale shaded ground for the following. Here it is.

img_4901                                                                                                                                                               Cu soon!