Blue Moon 1.0 – A and Ω of Impression

Blue Moon 1.0 has been completed and also a little paint&think art project called „The A and Ω of Impression“ finally. New mobility occurred. Now we can ride the future and moove the way together.

THE moon againIn fact Blue Moon had just been completed and the black Berlinale passé when on first@0pm November rushed in with the punktual performance of Hood Robin and The Shy Singer.
Smooth operation – masked, of course, since corona is still kept as systematic claw. On 2nd any institution of public social life was told to become locked. Since 3rd the USA grapho mapleelect, union pending. The Canadian club brought me one dried maple leaf which two were documenting carefully and a lot of whisky for Ram. Misfortunately he did not took it well. Ramini therefore got the difference between alder and mahogany 😉

Jazz thinks this too much sugar for a dime.

I think being with the spring of life is always in time. There is little anything without in fact.


Art is back

Here comes a little hommage to impressionism titled „The A and Ω of Impression – Manet and Monet 2.0„.

A series of little discoveries in great temporal density gave birth to this little concept art project already in the beginning of this year:

  • a photo of the new Huawei research campus in Dongguan on the front page of a local newspaper,
  • a  broken bulletproof glass found, the shape of which is immediately reminiscent of a famous haystack, and
  • an announcement of Hasso Plattner collection in the Barberini Museum in Potsdam from September.

September was far, canvases were just prepared – then the coronal chaos caused a considerably delay. Facing November these two small pictures like that became the ConceptProject 2020. Off we go!

The contemporaries are considered to be shining pioneers of impressionism and yet were of minds as diverse as they can get. Born not even ten years before his colleague thoughtful and thought-out Manet is an example for an intellectual and rather unhappy personality. He died aged 51 already and never felt understood gaining recognition as representative of Impressionism, which already in his lifetime based on an emotional and abstract brushwork and colour-handling which Monet was a figurehead for. This cheerful hedonist turned 86 with a big family in the green outside Paris. One can together they really encompass the era of impressionism.

As big as the gulf between their beings, so obvious to use the small difference in their names to describe a comprehensive horizon. In accepting a spherical shape of the earth, we agree that the horizon is not the end.

Both paintings do expressly have no intention to copy the painters of course, but to fetch their minds and illustrate an emphatical and humorous transcription to 21st century.

Huawei – Who are we? Oil/Canvasmanet_2.0 Huawei who are we

Instead a constructed situation, the Huawei research campus in Dongguan appears as real photo motif for Kevin Frayer and landscape image with small irritations – an exotic flock of animals and bright orange vests and aprons.

The Haystack

monet 2.0An enjoyable approximation. The transparent haystack is reminiscent of a spinning top in the play of colors of the momentary sensation, a poppy morning. The piece of broken glass given it shape glued-on adds a touch of modern mixed media.


Life´s good when it feels good. You make it feel good. CU soon!


BlueMoon 0.5






opened with Blue Moon 0.5 and little flow…

REsearch brought up something new 🙂 – see below


September went by and left a heavy trace. A Georgian spin brought us the jack of spades as gentle giant finally.  Nice idea – questionable design. Remember a spring of life can be filled in as little as a hole of water – it’ll make its way. Not much more to report. I can’t remember where I read this but it fit well enough to be saved: „The old Bordelle on the hill of sold souls“…d-sign once more meanwhile…


Oktober opened with Blue Moon 0.5 and little flow. So what does that mean?

A refreshing drop, two remarkable parties, new space of pirate romance and extension of old ideas:

Autumn arrived –  and NOW the special processing is elaborated well enough to be repeatable as often as we like enabling application of well known art on shoes for unique pieces very handsome. Of course industrial digital times reproduction of daring designs in numberless repetition is established long ago. Which is, by the way, the opposite of individuality. REsearch makes it new again.

Manufactured, sealed and single. Proudly present three here: first flush, speciale and très chic


covered and sealed_firstflushstill believecovered and sealed_bigfootthis can become covered and sealed_minea favourite style!

Colours are needed in grey times. Where them and look bright instead of waiting for e-llumination.


Lets take the chance of repetition and complete the Blue Moon as celebration of wanted visions becoming real – CU soon!


Leds Zepple in to Another View

After the latest view on perspectives leds zepple into a view on now. It is a view on the duality of reality and fiction – which students of sociology deal as well as signologists. They treat it as an antithesis which has to be bridged. What happens if they would be mixed?

Just where once an artist collective running the serendipity gallery I discovered this paper. newspaper One of them were taken to a familiar caffetteria. The serendipity collective was quite mixed. Some were also located in archives´ as-long-as-it-lasts studio. The rest of that space has been transformed into a youth club style location with high engagement in music of this style:

oder wo

An event announced already in march and now coming actual. The serendipity collective reached out to tbg where other artists rumoured. They had a quite tachelisian history up there also and were in its transition period when the first participants passed its Zenit a while ago already. Finally persiflages of certain scenes are played by a mixed ensemble as show in a theatrical house kule just next door from the caffetteria. This set nics with one side of the medal yardlife as announced by a painted bunch of avatars. Likewise a continious script is done at various places. The ensemble takes reality and turns it into fiction. Does that turn fiction to reality? First of all it a makes the world a theatre betting on the same deal and yes, partially it does of course.

The other side of the medal shows what also moves on meanwhile. mixed and an interesting moment in the neighbourhood. btrt followed by the political discussion next day. Cinematic.

This all is the art of the working class – keep´ em busy and make´em pay forthe show . As well as it is  for those going for power and big deals and some other smart setting creators. A deal is if you get peace, a piece of the cake after the race (a word of interesting double meaning if translated to German…as ´performance´) and release. In between „The Field Testers“ add their interventions. Guessing, and yearning for their reward.

Imagine that all this is played in the middle of a communication breakdown between curly silence and blacklisting.

Obviously it needs only one brilliant actor and a crowd of parrots ignoring the inherent vice of their setting and that might seem as somebody is trying to fill in the spring of life and is in a hurry get ready in time…August finally sent a drip at a quarter to twelve anyway.

Leds zepp that quickly to make it the comedy which it is was thought to become – CUsoon!