Welcome to 018!

Oh la la! My new years contribute has been done already 20 days ago but obviously I forgot to press the publish button…I didn’t now:)


backpack and bag-in-bags

These nice mixtures of art and function are last quarters output…Cap’nshoes were shown first flush in lovely arty surround at the shoemaker’s and at Buchhandlung.

This was great!

With a little postscript concerning closed circles the pushed b log ceases (found back to the brush) and the new calendar year shall be welcomed: A hole keeps the whole together as any living cell needs at least one.



Lets make 2018 a beautiful year 2gether!


We Close The Circle

Hi, folks – long time not read. Here´s the report:
In june the spring of live bubbled – what has been really nice. Then on the spot on 1st of july a heavy frost got up emerging an iceberg at once in fact. Luckily a following heatwave let it melt causing a gentle flow. We could have done a good turn if an ultimative break (starting 1st of August) wouldn´t have damed it up topsy-tuvifying some things. We successfully mastered quite some work to pick up speed again! Since I´ve been in quarantine for nearly a week it feels as we have a lull now.    Well, today I´ll have a first glance on the outdoor situation.

As variable the conditions as, although related, condradictionary  seeming visions
where brought up –  call them Asign and Dsign.

They dsign2advance each other and at least some painting comes with it.
So now those who like to listen on the doors are a little updated again 😉

Lets lift the balance level – CU soon!




Wether report of a tag thunderstorm

May 10th.

Six pretty cold and windy weeks later. Things spin around but I seem in the eye of the storm. Course questionable and probably to be corrected. Ok then.



Mainly done in the end of ´14 already and then to be completed by some details this painting had not been finished when parts of its symbolism all of a sudden gazed mundane settings…

„Thanks for all the fish“ said the dolphin

  (hope they´re fine)


              Carrots for the donkey say I 🙂

Let a fishy step turn into a successful rollout on the desired outcome.

C U soon!