This has been a recreative spring so far. A turbulent May after passing the 1st of April relax
ed and a pink Easter with a lot of raspberry puree, mascarpone, meringue and marzipan. Voilà!
Gâteaux aux framboises 😉
Well, not even 50 enjoyable and moving days later we successfully passed the queer idea of a curfew from 0 to 5 am. Why queer? Maybe it saved some youngsters from their spring feelings by decree but 80 % of the people sleep before midnight. Well, if home is such a cosy place 😉
8/10 of the 50+ are not effected by the curfew at all. Hmm
Meanwhile the vaccination quote increased and incidence decreased. So the first aim of outdoor catering has been reached as planned – holy spirit, it seems Pentecosts year. Now Berlin thousandths can be officially shared in common and public again.
8/10 of the 50+ are satisfied. As than almost. Hmm
A little further a demonstration that huge and particularly important events, which the European Song Contest certainly is, can be realised with little effort and an acceptance as big as the enthusiasm by the thrilled audience. Danish moonlight shine from a deeper land and rocked the pot zitti e buoni – Oxymoron – as boded by signs in time with a meticulous style assemblage. Voilà!
8/10 of the 50+ feel teenaged again. Hmm
The vintage generation parties itself. A retirement home for those who do not mind stepping on the spot has become prepared. What luck for 8/10 of the 50+!
Back to Berlin. Life keeps rolling. The summer will become bridged.
Street art?
Nice. But not exactly street art …
Public but local – street art will have to be photographed and spread flat.
A view on arts future on pflatforms?
The performance will entertain, colours will have to stand been displayed digitally, a new depth will have to be engendered. We’ve been working on that for a while already. Be curious!
Good things take time. CU soon!