Forget about the Schedule – The Forgotten Blog

Forget about the schedule. Here comes the June news which got stuck in private mode.

In between Italy won the European Championship in football. So after a coronal disaster Italians are the head of popular  entertainment.

I thought us in a hole in March? We just improve our knowledge about holes…

shoes on journey


These shoes are now on tour with a duality. They probably rave well. 


The lockdown has been almost unlocked.

It has been used optimally for a private take. The borders between dream and reality were virtually softened. A life act. Well done!

This was celebrated at a 61´s viewpoint. Just in the neighbourhood of banksies actual residence at Gleisdreieck and Potsdamer Strasse – a busy scene in ancient West Berlin. Times that obviously lie in the past even longer than what already becomes honoured in the freshly opened galactic Humboldtforum Berlin section.


Short Story

2 T plastic dresses„Re use of this bags“, Tesco bags, 2007

„BlackTrashQueen“, black plastic bags, paper dressperformed at „Englischer Garten“/shown @ MoCTA, 2011

„the girl stood out for Another Choice“, paper, to be performed still, Neurotitan, 2015


Meanwhile new projects become prepared…The stage tours in Berlins middle, the circus celebrates moonly, depth is deepened and Ying lifts one or the other mind. Iridescent logic – shiny times? 


In between we discover something different, inspired by an invitation:


When Japanese food was introduced the fascination was also the art of the decoration. Germans of course were primarily happy to get what is known as healthy food served in bite-sized bites…tsukiakari

This healthiness seems to be based on a nutrition excluding sweats. I hope you like Dango – natsuyasumi left and tsukiakari right


For completeness this forgotten piece, as recently noticed, from the series hugs&kisses is released. Working title: hugs&kisses – real virtual. A bad painting but hitting the signs of time…



A nice view finally…


C horses

Holes, loops, scopes…Elope. Lets get started!  CU soon!


BlueMoon 0.5






opened with Blue Moon 0.5 and little flow…

REsearch brought up something new 🙂 – see below


September went by and left a heavy trace. A Georgian spin brought us the jack of spades as gentle giant finally.  Nice idea – questionable design. Remember a spring of life can be filled in as little as a hole of water – it’ll make its way. Not much more to report. I can’t remember where I read this but it fit well enough to be saved: „The old Bordelle on the hill of sold souls“…d-sign once more meanwhile…


Oktober opened with Blue Moon 0.5 and little flow. So what does that mean?

A refreshing drop, two remarkable parties, new space of pirate romance and extension of old ideas:

Autumn arrived –  and NOW the special processing is elaborated well enough to be repeatable as often as we like enabling application of well known art on shoes for unique pieces very handsome. Of course industrial digital times reproduction of daring designs in numberless repetition is established long ago. Which is, by the way, the opposite of individuality. REsearch makes it new again.

Manufactured, sealed and single. Proudly present three here: first flush, speciale and très chic


covered and sealed_firstflushstill believecovered and sealed_bigfootthis can become covered and sealed_minea favourite style!

Colours are needed in grey times. Where them and look bright instead of waiting for e-llumination.


Lets take the chance of repetition and complete the Blue Moon as celebration of wanted visions becoming real – CU soon!


Imagination Is a Way of Want

Whenever you follow an idea to make something happen you also follow imagination first. Consequently imagination is a way of want. It sounds less straight than „vision“ but both require some effort to be implemented…life your dream!

We haven’t met in a while and a little update is overdue.

Since Easter it rumples in the box…So, what happened also meanwhile?


The mask idea has been continued:

Half Bra – ideal for partner look 😉 – lace fabric with cotton lining

upcycled_ dritte titte





Hoody Converse – turned hoody with vizard





Face Chuck – practical hommage to colored cotton shoes and bandanas in the late 80´s

face chuck





Unique Pieces – ashs art masks – waterproof art print outside and cotton lining







The art shoe arrived!

art_shoeThis was most an unexpected nice little step on an almost forgotten path. These shoes combine extraordinarily a homemade bootleg and an industrial sole. I really like that contradiction!


Much more happened of course. I keep that flat here.



Further I like to present this special finding. An extraordinary designed cooler somewhere between Mastroiani and Moore, Rimini and Brighton. Unfortunately the „helmet“ was just identified as „not upholstered“ … incredible

cooler Kühler

…ok, one does not care when  honoured with the key to the good life – and „good“ includes what wanted essentially.


Mummy kept swinging mummyyet.
Lets say it likewise:
A triangle runs round only if the sum of angles is correct.


So far about urban accomodation.

Lets change the scenery to the rural complement. My personal collection meanwhile includes these two possible views .

view on malcesine

the other side






The painting on the left shows a view on Malcesine in 19th century. The one on the right stays undefined about the location – can show just the other lakeside as well as many others. Moods dominate. The field of impressionism is wide.

Once I asked not to give me rules but reasons. I do not know the rules but reasons. Especially in surround of a smarmy army

you are the main reason still – CU soon!